Books from Percy Keese Fitzhugh
Roy Blakeley's roundabout hike
Pee-wee Harris in camp
Tom Slade in the north woods
Westy Martin in the Rockies
Westy Martin on the Santa Fe Trail
Tom Slade at Bear Mountain
Hervey Willetts
Westy Martin
Westy Martin in the Yellowstone
Tom Slade Picks a Winner
Pee-wee Harris: Fixer
Roy Blakeley's Tangled Trail
Along the Mohawk Trail; Or, Boy Scouts on Lake Champlain
Roy Blakeley's Funny-bone Hike
Tom Slade with the Flying Corps: A Campfire Tale
Tom Slade on Overlook Mountain
Pee-wee Harris, F.O.B. Bridgeboro
Pee-wee Harris in Luck
Among the River Pirates: A Skippy Dare Mystery Story
The Lost Mine of the Amazon: A Hal Keen Mystery Story
Prisoners in Devil's Bog: A Skippy Dare Mystery Story
Roy Blakeley: Lost, Strayed or Stolen
Roy Blakeley's Motor Caravan
Roy Blakeley's Silver Fox Patrol
Tom Slade on the River
Roy Blakeley in the Haunted Camp
Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels
Roy Blakeley's Bee-line Hike
Tom Slade on a Transport
Tom Slade with the Colors
Roy Blakeley, Pathfinder
Tom Slade's Double Dare
Tom Slade at Temple Camp
Tom Slade, Motorcycle Dispatch Bearer
Tom Slade with the Boys Over There
Tom Slade at Black Lake
Tom Slade on Mystery Trail
Pee-wee Harris Adrift
Pee-wee Harris on the Trail
Roy Blakeley: His Story
Roy Blakeley's Adventures in Camp
Pee-wee Harris
Tom Slade : Boy Scout of the Moving Pictures